Monday, January 05, 2009

quick notes (blahg #5)

woof, the school
appeared from the
corner and my
foot, booted in
leather and tied
with a bow
knot, pressed the
pedal that makes
me go "forward."
thirteen days after
leaving the building.
thirteen days of
sleep and imbibing.
thirteen days of
eating, sleeping, rejuvenation,
writing, recording, singing,
laughing, remembering, fleeing,
watching, reading, reading,
reading, reading, and
sleeping. new rules
are created for
my path and
speed. full steam?
why not? don't
you fear burn
out? Mr. Grimm?
i will give
you my best
my all, my
effort, my sweat...
maybe not my
soul... that i
own outright, no?
rarely do we
feel "okay" and
i'm feeling "okay"


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