naysayers ratchet up
beckon screaming and
kicking rants against
the president elect.
funny, when you
lose... you lose
hard, eh? blog
posts talking about
his dangerous nature
and that we
have been scammed
we won't be
so happy in
three months time,
nay, three weeks
time, nay three
days time. he
will apparently destroy
our country. that's
too bad, because
i was ready
to become reaquainted
with the old
u.s. but apparently
i will be
sorely disappointed. however,
i don't believe
those angry bloggers
pounding their keys
with insolent fury
and dire expressions
twisted and contorted
on their faces...
one eye bulging
as if it
may "pop" at
any moment, shoot
across the room,
and up rolling
underneath the coffee
table. when taking
a broad view
of the election,
i saw the
choices with macro
lenses. obama: smart
young african american.
mccain: bitter old
white man. hmmmm...
most folks wanted
a change in
politics and to
my surprise they
voted for it.
they got it.
for the first
time in my
voting career i'm
enthused to do
something, to take
heed and pay
attention... i may
even listen to
the weekly radio
address. wow... who
knows... here are
some final words
on this topic...
so deep under
water counting seconds
and pressure on
the outside matching
the pressure within
light trickles through
the murk and
makes a promise
"air is abundant
on the other
side, i swear.
all you have
to do is
float up to
the top." the
promise becomes desire
and the weights
others have tied
to either ankle
can no longer
pull downward silently.
that first breath,
drawn in full
makes good on
any unspoken promise.
1 comment:
It is so inspiring to hear words of a leader speaking clearly of issues that are on all of our minds, and pointing us in direction of action that feels right for everybody. (In fact, just having the president speak coherently is a huge change.)
I hope Obama doesn't fall into the Hamlet syndrome of all talk and no action.
And thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied over with the pale cast of thought; and enterprises of great pith and moment, with this regard, their currents turn awry, and lose the name of action.
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