Thursday, January 15, 2009

my missed blahg (blahg's #14 and 15)

i am sorry
a missed appointment
trajectory not accounted
drifted from focus
out of view
obscured without lenses
purpose and dedication
slacked and ridden
promises folded, burned.
nearly forty-eight hours
and no statement.
sorry apologies shame.

june star is
a magical band.
i write and
play with the
people who communicate
clearly. some new
satellite additions
to the band
are coming up.
will post their
names at some
point... but most
folk'll agree that
it is good.
the tim and
the grimm duo
shows are sounding
great. tight, expressive.
times when we
play i feel
invulnerable and immutable.

emerson... you said
"no harm could
ever befall me..."
that is how
i feel when
playing live. i
don't always feel
in control but
i do feel
like an authority
an archivist and
a commentator. these
roles bound and
wound into tight
lines percussing off
of the microphone.

see you soon


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