Monday, August 16, 2010

catching the fever

june star news: none... except look at all the freaking dates we've booked... holy sugar... look at 'em... yowza!

album release: Oct. 26th
cd release show: Nov. 6th @ Patterson Theatre/Creative Alliance

blog stuff:

the true measure of whether "anything" is worth anything can be found by how quickly the low subconscious impulse to acquire matches the passion that created said "anything." musically, dj's used to know this secret. spin the record and kids go crazy... kids go dancing... kids go buying. funny to think our tastes hinge on the choices or impulses of kids. we come to believe that anything purchased en masse by a younger generation reflects the quality of any product.

what a disaster to be reduced to a demographic and not even know it. someone much older and much smarter lays out the clothing, music, political ideology, and socially acceptable for younger more "independent" generation.

i remember the label generation x... then generation next... now, i know i'm behind the curve..., but generation text? pretty funny, pretty sad. that's what they said about my youth collective... cycle cycle, right?

the funniest,saddest thing i'd seen was when my brit. lit. class read 1984 and i posed the question about whether or not the basic premise of the novel was a possibility in current times... over half of the class said, never. this is america... we don't do things like that... the gov't. wouldn't allow it. insert shivers here.

gov't. isn't bad. conception and execution however, that could use some tightening up. right? several times, on television mind you... characters will mention the importance of senators... a high office and that always seems to strike me as odd... i've been conditioned to believe that senators are either criminals or incompetent rubes that can't get their jobs right... or maybe, they figured it out... whatever, my cynical chip is engaged... at all times.

so, i've also been reading Time Life Home Blogging Books on how to connect two seemingly disparate topics... how trends are formed through youth shopping sprees and gov't. control. on page 47 of the Time/Life series... it says, "To connect between to seemingly disparate subjects can appear difficult. However, with some patience and trust in your audience, the common ground will make itself apparent."

so, okay. it will make itself apparent through the crazy conspiracy theorists... lady gaga is really a republican stooge meant to distract us from the real issues... gaga stands for... Girl Agent Grievous Amusement.

okay... i've gotten bored with this... i shall navigate the blogging topics slowly... metaphorically... perhaps... but i will not navigate a ship... through murky waters? tough rapids... treacherous waterfalls... no... i will navigate a my vessel... actually... i'm beached... i'm stuck... mired. so i guess i will be pulling that vessel... thereby becoming some wonderful quasi-vessel... a cyber tugboat. what was it thoreau said? "we do not ride the railroad, it rides upon us."

so true.


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