Thursday, December 18, 2008

the poetry

the poetry and
the time it
takes to make
it work... to
force it out
push pull cram
must be unbearable
suffering must commence
be commanded be
loved coaxed cajoled
leered lacquered lavished
time seems to
be shortened, what
is this in
my bones, sunken
with marrow that
whispers in a
coarse and slight
voice, work now.
tomorrow is no
guarantee. light to
your horses hoist
the banners, pump
the ink prime
the brain, stretch
the tongue, toil
toil toil. hang
the lethargic and
tighten your grip.
hang on for
dear life and
perhaps your life
will be something
to remember.


1 comment:

carla said...

Have you ever read Bret Easton Ellis?
I recently read Less Than Zero and it reminded me of Raymond Carver a bit. He had the same kind of self loathing which he projected onto society, rendering in a yucky mechanism.
It was written when he was very young, and it has a, hip, jaded, male viewpoint which is relatively free of all grown up influence. Do you think your class could ever read such a novel? It is kind of nasty. What are the banned books in high school these days?
He also wrote American Psycho. The main of character was based on his father. Eeeew.