Monday, March 21, 2011

lapsed in effort

hey there,

lot's has happened since we last spoke...
sxsw was interesting... at best... no opportunities
to play but many opportunities to observe. we have
a plan now... and we will execute.

i was sick for the better part of the first three
days of tour... lost my voice... regained my voice...
i'm at about 90% right now... little rock arkansas was
fun... really enjoyed meeting kat and all the folks at
the after thought... expensive dinner, but fun times
for certain.

i'd like to drop a special note for southern Missouri
and northern Arkansas. You look like you need a vacation...
barren... wasteland... seems like nothing will ever grow
there... i have no idea about people survive... or at least
how they define living in those areas.

Cicero's... you were fun... real rock star feeling and vibes...
pizza magnificent... one lone car... delivered and powerful...

night off in Alabama... we stayed with old friend, Keith Harrelson...
he runs Moonlight Music on the Mountain concert series. Last night
James McMurtry played... he sounded great... we were reated to a 12
string acoustic version of Rachel's Song... yow.

tonight, we're playing in Atlanta... meeting up with some folks...
making friends and influencing people!

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