Monday, June 28, 2010

recording days 3,4,5,6,7,8

where did my posts go i wonder?
i know i posted a couple things
but suppose they became lost in digital ether.

all recording for the album is finished...
we trekked up north with mike ward
to put some keyboard parts on the disc.

it sounds great... without any real touch up
to begin with... the raw straight up tracks.
by the end of the week i should have
some more proper mixes from mr. rubal.

the edge of something new
slightly emerges from the east
illumination tentative, imminent.

the show at the eastport street festival
was really really really hot. in a literal,
"I could have kissed the sun" kind of
way... i shed 5 pounds just standing
on stage... i've broken out in a sweat
just thinking about it right now...
yup... not very pleasant...
but we sold some discs and made some

more digital upgrades to happen soon.


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