Tuesday, January 01, 2008

the vines

was given the new
red vines album...
ryan's, bass player's, new disc
everyday needles for electromagnetic
very wonderful album
i am jealous. the sound is smooth
and all parts fit like gloves
inside of gloves.

wriet was purposeful adam.
i am brilliant.

will be recording more soon and
posting soon... want to upload the video
want people to see me play.
look me up on youtube. does
anyone really read
this blog other than tim and adam?
should i advertise it on the websites?
maybe then more traffic.
maybe then more sales.
maybe then more shows.
maybe then more fans.

tomorrow is school
tomorrow reality sinks back in
like gravity pulling soapy
water into a slow spin

my dream last night
was invasion of the body snatchers
the nightmare wasn't that
we were being transformed into aliens
it was that i had to save us
by using a microscope and somehow
creating a way to biologically and chemically
defeat the invaders.

we lost.


1 comment:

ellen cherry said...

i've found you....yes, now i will be reading your ba-log-ie too. and linking to you from my (bo-ring) blog.

thanks for your sweet comments. can't wait for you to hear the new disc.