Thursday, December 06, 2007

A tired horse


we managed to rally

to give this virtual thing

another twirl

gonna reach deep this


not gonna fold, become weak

our commitment to

whomever is listening

by route of reading

june star to release

cora belle on jan. 14th

so sorry tim, 2007 didn't happen

but it's good and we're

excited by the prospects of

another new disc in

the works, sort of

lil' timmy bracken is re joining

another appendage

good for the


we'll include his songs

and splittiin' time

in the band... fun times

he wants to cowrite tunes...

I want to try that


back to carver

back to blake

like robert, you can see more

by closing your eyes.


adam miller said...

Lookin' forward to Cora Bell. I read the posts...

oylenshpeegul said...

No this point it's just a technicality...January 2008 is practically 2007, innit?