Monday, December 10, 2007

the ghost of tom joad

"hunger is a powerful thing"
springsteen has it right
hunger is inevitable and an impetus
i've been thinking about music,
bands, motivations, motivators...
what compass do you follow?
how can you be sure your "North"
is heading up and not down?
at what point do I throw in
the towel and at what point do I go
for the gusto... as a 70's beer ad once said
without too much guessing
i suppose we'll reach a conclusion
on these thoughts.
June Star is running its course
i would think that cora belle is the
end. is there really a band?
or just a lovely idea of a band
as a unit we play... but it is
a unit without needing to stick together
each part could stand on its own
merit. after those solo discs i put out
i'm thinking that for the most part
the solo stuff could be june star
and vice versa
so why bang one's head into the wall
any longer. if i'm really going
to play full time and make a concerted
effort would i not want people to play
as committed and willing to lose money?
that's what it is, right?
losing money... the non profit musician?
things to ponder and
no end in sight.


1 comment:

adam miller said...

This post reads like the last thought I have before I fall asleep every night. You are the marrow in the bones that the muscle and fat of the band hang from... of course the solo work and band work blur. But, what is the determining factor that makes a solo song a solo song and a band song a band song? This is the loose change jingling in my head.

Here's to the non-profit musician - salt of the earth.