Friday, September 10, 2010

west coasting

so a week away to the west coast and the triumphant
trumpeting of high hopped libations had their say.

they spoke in tongues, their taste bitter to crisp.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... the flight home was rough

got to hang out with patrick hughes, brief stay as a
drummer for the june star. saw his band, mneumonic sounds.

groovy drum loops with live drums and sparkles. thick
bass loops and synthesizer sighs... one word, atmosphere.

they were very wonderful and i enjoyed the event... the
lyrics have that semi girl sound of the ingenue and the

chanteuse if that is even possible. elegant and crushing.
inspiring. so i've returned to emails and getting

back into making lists so i can check them off! selling
some guitars! my two gretsch duo jets are for sale!

i'll even autograph them. that was a joke. sort of.
ha ha... tomorrow 12:30 june star plays the hampden fest

for the best 20 minutes of your lives. if i were you
i'd go. we're going to be awesome... a brilliant flame

of americana! rally your friends... invite your enemies!
all will not be lost.

oh... i think i wrote a new song somewhere along the line.
groovy... check back later? send me a message.


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