Thursday, September 16, 2010

carrying out plans

it's a simple process...
make a list,
do some stuff,
check off the list...
not rocket science.

items that have remained unchecked:

book pittsburgh
book detroit
book indianapolis
book cleveland

these are proving to be harder than both
the north and and the south


i'm reminded of a story tess gallagher told about raymond carver...
she was talking about cleaning out his closet after his death and
finding a note in a shirt pocket... it was grocery list he had made
not too long before his impending death from lung cancer...

the list (i am paraphrasing):

hot chocolate
paper towels

i think i'm starting to like lists... maybe stretch out a bit...
maybe i can blog the list of things to do and then comment
when i completed them? wouldn't that be interesting?

perhaps not.

so far on my list:

house things:

shower (maybe)
call carpenter
help murray move glass table top
start laundry

music things:

mail out posters to NC
mail out promo cd's
contact press links in NC
contact the following bars:
Memories Charcoal Grille
Whistling Oyster
James Joyce
Riptide by the Bay
The Still
Sunset Grille

log in to No Depression
update web sites
get tires on van checked and fix spare
put gretsch guitars on craigslist

quite a list.


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