Thursday, September 10, 2009

back? again?

operations are back
underway... to type
and to reclaim
my cyber pad.

sorry to be
away... teaching has
taken the reigns
but i have
wrestled them into
my grips. whoa.

music music music
golden west tomorrow
night... with e.j.
mike and timmy.

patrick hughes has
left the state
to settle or
scuttle around portland
oregon grounds much
luck to him
he was one
the best drummers
we played with.

album inching along
we are playing
bunches of shows
and hope to
see you soon.

oh, 1984 is
a seriously scary
novel. i'm on
my third re-reading
and it becomes
more sinister if
that is even possible.



oylenshpeegul said...

Presumably, you are not reading 1984 on a Kindle. (How creepy is that? Big brother deleted your book!)

Andrew Grimm said...

pretty funny... and pretty real... i'll bring that up in class today... some of my students are becoming quite paranoid...
