Wednesday, July 08, 2009

sir thomas browne

yes lawrence... more
reading and more
in depth have i traveled
into the browne stuff...
chapter 2 of
urn buriall... yes.
now i understand
rings of saturn.

do you want
to be buried...
or burnt on up?

i think cremation
for me... i like
the notion of being
scattered... perhaps
moved by elements
in nature rather
than our human impulses...
of course i'm
writing this on the
fly without thinking
too much about it.

lawrence, sorry i
singeled you out
at the wtf the
other night... hope
i didn't cause
you too much
trouble. you know
what june star needs...?
new songs... new life...
i'm getting tire of
playing the same old
songs at bertha's
and ye wtf. i'll
have to talk to the
guys about that...

tour coming up... three
days out... if you have
friends in the philly, ny, boston
area... please alert them!

album coming along
nicely... almost done tracking...
a few things to add...

but otherwise it's
pretty cool stuff...

grimm out
but not down.


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