Tuesday, June 23, 2009

lightning and other things

wiped out the stuff
we did yesterday... foolish me
i left the external hardrive
on and the power went out and
i hadn't saved my work... ah... i'm
such a nerd. i swear i swear
i swear. july will be a stretch
for a release... timmy is on his way
over and we will commence
recording at the completely
un rock and roll hour of 8 30 am.

so much to read... so much to do...

lawerence... i am reading your books
i swear it... kids i am reading my
brit lit. getting ready for the storm.

iran. holy cow. can you believe
that... can you believe the distrust
being riled up in america about
obama not being "tough enough" i guess
people are campaigning early this
time around... what do the people on
the teevee want us to do? storm iran
and overthrow the gov't.? ultimately
that's what they'd want obama to do, probably
it would end in failure and folks with
opposing view points can aim their
arm chair lasers at him and fire.

i think i'm done reading about these things...
it makes me sick... upset and just when
i was feeling better about my country these
opportunistic wannabe-machiavellian charlatans
step up to the digital plate and spew
conjecture, hot air, doubt, and panic.

although we feel entitled... we are not.
patience is important... i suppose.


1 comment:

carla said...

Iran was being pressured by Israel to stop with nuclear development, or risk being targeted by air strikes. Iran can now claim to have other distractions.

I went to see a group called ASG play, and I must conclude that compared to them you are a nerd. But that is a good thing.

Mindless screaming and raw emotion has its good points, and it certainly will rile up the troops to kick ass.
But. It is scary.

Consequences are what we live with and some nerd should think of them.