Wednesday, November 19, 2008


we played last night
at the iota in arlington, va.
twas a rough show
uncomfortable on stage playing
timmy's songs on bass. it's not
the songs, it's the cohesion
of the guys playing... i could've
played better... i suppose. it was
fun though.

playing with timmy is easy... we're
both in the same position in music,
as a career. we're meticulous about
detail and songwriting. we're
searching for originality. we are
and unknown quality/quantity to most folks.

strange but true.

i sold 5 discs, no easy feat.
people seemed to like the songs.
my guitar was bouncing in and out of tune...
but overall, good stuff.

work on the album has reached a standstill...
more on that, when there's something
to say.

more music... more writing. maybe i should post
some stuff... i was supposed to be working on a solo
album too... i got through one take and stopped...
what kind of album should it be?

maybe I'll get timmy to play on it...

lately, i've been thinking about school.
my first period class has been keeping me on my
toes... let me qualify... i like all of my classes...
i'd just like to talk about first period... for a bit.
they are a smart bunch... sharp... interested in what
is happening in the literature.
we have good conversations and their analyses are
fairly accurate... i'm looking to push them harder
for huck finn. funny, some students in particular
are reading and immediately interpreting the characterizations,
internalizing that knowledge and then applying it
to either theme or the text. awesome... and funny.

oh school... schmool.

Please come out Friday night to Joe Squared Pizza... I'm
going solo acoustic and I might play some new tunes...
no kidding... I just might.

I'm out.


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