Wednesday, March 05, 2008

setting the sun

so new stuff is in the works
i've been
listening to my fawm stuff
and making a list
timmy bracken and i will be
putting together the
next june star disc
a double album...

my preparations for full
time musician are in motion
saving money
making contacts
getting back into the solo
acoustic circuit and the
austin grill stuff...

cool. touring.

baltimore you are a ripe
melon. yes you are.

i want to start posting some
videos and must master the
youtube channel. also... yeah
also... palace to palace, wolves, and
mountain halo are out of print.

i am looking to get them on itunes
very soon.

some dates

march 7th @ waterfront hotel
march 10th @ ryan's daughter (FAWM debut)
march 30th @ 8x10 kidney benefit



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