Thursday, December 16, 2010

Midwest Tour Day Three 12/15


Hogbutcher of the world, you were most strange last night. Acoustic listening room means what? Acoustic… we disobeyed a bit with that description… you disobeyed with braying laughter, loud exclamations about funny bits of life.

From underneath the floorboards the other bands vibrated and blasted their sonic wares… If you paid to see June Star, you got a bargain… two bands for the price of one! I’m not kidding… I could hear and feel them jamming out from the underworld. Hades himself was laughing.

Good Times!

I do like Chicago, though. I saw some old friends and we were able to catch up on a few items… marriages, births, and memories of the past blurry and focused. Emily Yeager and Morgan were in attendance! Very nice to see them… unfortunately my night was a bit off… as per the preceding paragraphs. My B game… that’s all I could muster. Sorry girls.

Tori, friend and host appeared! Good Times! Indeed… right now… as I’m typing I’m lookin’ at my empty plate that held eggs and pancakes! Thank you Tori!

Okay St. Louis… not East Saint Louis…


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