Friday, July 04, 2008

lost track of time

hey y'all

been out of touch lately
internet gremlins and stuff preventing
me from posting...

working on a lot of things these days... hopefully
more stuff is on the way...

i signed up for the fawm... 50/90 challenge
timmy b. also signed up... so please check out the
songs and feel free to download them... you're supposed
to write 50 songs in 90 days... i'm also going to post video
on my youtube channel...


my 50/90 challenge page...

1 comment:

oylenshpeegul said...

Wow, 50 new songs! That's ossum!

The first three sound great! But, once again, I'll point out your neglect of ID3 tags. Maybe you should just start calling yourself "Unknown Folder".