good rehearsals! meeting with morphius... will take the blue pill...
blog junk:
the lamp on my writing desk comes from my mother's desk. acutally, my writing desk is my mother's desk. and here i sit, where she sat, it was her chair too, and i write. my scribbles are far different from hers. my clickety clack to her scratching. my thoughts posted to some nebulous network and nether worlds, her's posted to family. she also balanced her check book at this same desk. wow. imagine the adding and subtracting she used to do.
let me not get too far from the muse. the thought should regain focus, peer in and discern that very sense of what parents give us. dna for sure... lessons in guilt... denial... love... betrayal... forgiveness? forgiveness, that's the one i want to talk about. the power of forgiving.
of all the things humans can do to destroy one another forgiveness swings a heavy bat my friends. sure, guns and bio-tech warfare are pretty devastating... physically. their collateral damage? emotional wreckage, right? how could someone do this to antoher human being? man, i've asked that too... and not necessarily when someone hurt me physically... contrary to hurting someone, forgiveness takes away the power, that threat, those fears whose sole purpose is to degrade and deconstruct. not to mention the personal release forgiveness allows. the allowence of sleeping and dreaming... the bitter ball at the pit of the stomach bubbling when you see the person or hear a name. yes, that feeling launches from its perch away from you and into dissipation.
healthy options for the living include: letting it go, not taking it personally, understanding where someone is going or where someone has been. allah, jesus, buddah, zorlock the space god could be symbols for these ideas or tenets.
but aren't these ideas human to human? what of the monsters that lurk just on the inside, around the gloaming hours? then forgiveness is about personal survival... saving yourself... sparing yourself... discovering the wonderful traction that supports or even encourages resilience and salvation.
the monsters cannot be held accountable for their actions can they? can they be explained... monsters aren't human so how could we rationalize them as cognizant of their actions? i know, forgiveness doesn't keep us safe from their physical attacks... but again, that emotional twinge, your inner sanctum, where you live, home, your room, your dreams, your pride, your kitchen, your heart, your "self", those are the temples forgiveness defends... a shield,the force field. bitter roots find zero ground... the monsters can be caged... but so can you, the resentment incurred from monstrous activities feeds from self pity and loathing. think of a drive in... think of that large wooden screen where images are projected... the film showing tonight: What happened to me and look how awful it is! starring: you know who. why watch it? you've already lived it. take down the screen... do not allow the past injuries to reflect on the present opportunities or those endeavors will hint at bitterness...
enough, enough.
On that Junestar CD Cora Belle, which I really like by the way, there is a line in one of the songs which goes "I don't mind being unforgiven, if you don't mind me hanging around"
I thought this was significant, in that all the other lyrics on all the songs are basically :she done me wrong, I was a wreck, now I'm pretty much over it;
but this line implies that the problem was at least partly the authors fault, because the author feels the need to be forgiven. Of course it is just a fleeting image, not expanded on at any length.
hey there... yeah... most of the characters or at least narrators aren't as innocent as they may seem... the valentine guy is despondent... gone, he's not sure his next move... scar... someone is goin' to jail... there is that motif... the song, apg blues... is kind of the same vein... he's kind of getting what he wants... he's found a middle ground for him... he won't quit drinking... he won't apologize... he misses her... but not enough to change.
kind of like that song, Rachel's Song, by James McMurtry...
When I'm all alone it's all right
It Isn't going to wound my pride
If anyone can claim they're all right
So can I
I wrecked the El Camino
Would have been DWI
So I just walked off and left it
Laying on its side
The troopers found it in the morning
And they said it's purely luck I wasn't killed
I probably ought to quit my drinking
But I don't believe I will
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