Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Super Blogging

So I got that blogging app in an attempt to blog more... I know, I know most folks are on the edge of your seats wondering what I'm thinking and whether or not I'll update you...

Last night I saw the original wailers at rams head in Annapolis. Not very good... The original wailer was Al Anderson who played on the natty dread sessions and the Live! album... Don't go thinking that I'm some sort of Rasta scholar... I got my info from Wikipedia. So there.

Anyhow, there only about 75 people there... Maybe more... But, watching the band I couldn't help but wonder why it is that reggae bands have such broke down keyboard horn sounds.., it's like they've never moved beyond small Casio keyboard synths of 1982.


Oh and June Star is starting to get songs together for another record...


I selected the songs... Most folks haven't heard these at all... The idea will be to record a few ep's. I'm producing one, Timmy Bracken will produce one, and we're talking with Jason Rubal who produced Lower Your Arms... For the third one... Neat.
