Saturday, January 23, 2010

short time short break

audacious and firm
i have paused from my
grading to say, "hello."


end of the semester has
appeared and the kids will
change in a couple of
my classes... fresh start
for some... old hat
for others... oh brit lit.
what will we do... we will
explore the rundown alleys of
chaucer i suppose...
get ready for beowulf and
more vocabulary.

music music. we play tonight
at waterfront hotel. cortez
mission... the alter ego.

hey baltimore you are a real
cute town. the denizens of fells
point will filter to the hotel
to say hi. we will play some
songs about stuff. maybe love?

maybe love.
maybe love!
maybe love?
maybe love...

what rough beast slouches towards Bethlehem?


Thursday, January 21, 2010

new year

it slipped by me... not by
accident... but i looked up
and there it was... the first
month of 2010 is fading fast.
no fireworks here. all is
quiet and we have hunkered
down underneath our quilted

fawm is coming and i will
be doing that... with much
more technology at my ready
i am texting my muses and
downloading my chorus. we
will bounce ideas into

i haven't written a damned
thing in awhile and thoughts
have bubbled gurgled shifted
risen quaked trembled pricked
pointed tightened relaxed...
they are ready for breath
pushed by anticipation.

ramshead live show. big stage
small, beautiful crowd.
lawrence was there. good to
see him. he liked the show... especially
the sound... i guess
i could get used to playing
on a stage that size...

oh, ej is leaving the band...
i'm done trying to replace people...
we'll soldier on mike, ryan, jason, burke, timmy, and eye.
